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DGR of 05/06/2015 n.920 " Operational guidelines for the prevention and control of legionellosis in tourist accommodation facilities and for collective use in the Puglia Region "; state-regions conference (guidelines) of 05/07/2015

  • analysis of water samples for the search for legionella spp.

  • drafting of the Self-Control Plan for the assessment and management of legionella risk.

  • consultancy for the reclamation of the water network.

  • provision of the register of checks and interventions for the prevention of legionella.

Supply waters

Legislative Decree n.18/2023Implementation of EU Directive 2020/2184 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 12/16/2020, relating to the quality of water intended for human consumption ”;
RR 9 January 2014, n°1. (Puglia region).

  • analysis of supply water samples.

  • implementation of water system management plan.

  • consultancy for issuing a judgment on the suitability of water for human consumption.

HACCP food safety

Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on the hygiene of foodstuffs”:

  • drafting of the MAA

  • training courses for food personnel (RR 15/05/2008 n.5).

  • microbiological analysis of food;

  • microbiological analysis of surfaces.

  • internal audits to verify the correct application of procedures.

Swimming pool

LR n.35 of 12/15/2008; DGR Puglia of 06/22/2004 n. 909 (Implementation of the State-Regions Agreement 1605/2003 relating to the hygienic-sanitary aspects concerning the construction, maintenance and supervision of swimming pools).

  • Creation of the Self-Control Plan.

  • Analysis for the control of the input water and the water contained in the swimming pool.

  • Provision of the register for daily checks.


Legislative Decree 152/2006; RR 12 December 2011 N°26; Ministerial Decree 12/06/2003 n. 185

  • Design and management of biological wastewater treatment plants.

  • Inspections of the purification plant to control the purification process.

  • Analysis of waste water samples entering and leaving the purification plant.


LR of 03/11/2016 n°30)

  • Supply and positioning of passive detector.

  • Half-yearly and final report.

  • Final test report released.

Bathing water monitoring

Legislative Decree 05/30/2008 n. 116; Ministerial Decree 03/30/2010).

  • Analysis of sea water.

Air quality control
  • Microbiological monitoring of environments.

  • Sampling and analysis.


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