DGR of 05/06/2015 n.920 " Operational guidelines for the prevention and control of legionellosis in tourist accommodation facilities and for collective use in the Puglia Region "; state-regions conference (guidelines) of 05/07/2015
analysis of water samples for the search for legionella spp.
drafting of the Self-Control Plan for the assessment and management of legionella risk.
consultancy for the reclamation of the water network.
provision of the register of checks and interventions for the prevention of legionella.
Supply waters
Legislative Decree n.18/2023 “ Implementation of EU Directive 2020/2184 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 12/16/2020, relating to the quality of water intended for human consumption ”;
RR 9 January 2014, n°1. (Puglia region).
analysis of supply water samples.
implementation of water system management plan.
consultancy for issuing a judgment on the suitability of water for human consumption.
HACCP food safety
“ Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on the hygiene of foodstuffs”:
drafting of the MAA
training courses for food personnel (RR 15/05/2008 n.5).
microbiological analysis of food;
microbiological analysis of surfaces.
internal audits to verify the correct application of procedures.
Swimming pool
LR n.35 of 12/15/2008; DGR Puglia of 06/22/2004 n. 909 (Implementation of the State-Regions Agreement 1605/2003 relating to the hygienic-sanitary aspects concerning the construction, maintenance and supervision of swimming pools).
Creation of the Self-Control Plan.
Analysis for the control of the input water and the water contained in the swimming pool.
Provision of the register for daily checks.
Legislative Decree 152/2006; RR 12 December 2011 N°26; Ministerial Decree 12/06/2003 n. 185
Design and management of biological wastewater treatment plants.
Inspections of the purification plant to control the purification process.
Analysis of waste water samples entering and leaving the purification plant.
LR of 03/11/2016 n°30)
Supply and positioning of passive detector.
Half-yearly and final report.
Final test report released.
Bathing water monitoring
Legislative Decree 05/30/2008 n. 116; Ministerial Decree 03/30/2010).
Analysis of sea water.
Air quality control
Microbiological monitoring of environments.
Sampling and analysis.